The user must contact the right person within the care facility: the person who is responsible for care and services, to clarify the situation and ask for an explanation.
Communication, exchange, and dialogue with the right person will help to solve the problem.
If the issue is not resolved to the user’s satisfaction, contact UTHC Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner for assistance.
819 964-2905 ext. 2509
If the user is not satisfied with the response given by the institution or measures put in, one can contact the Québec Ombudsman:
1 800 463-5070
When informed of a situation in which a user is involved, or if a person is not satisfied, UTHC’s management and employees can take corrective actions to remedy these situations.
The primary goal is to improve the quality of care and services for the complainant or for all users that could be concerned in the future.
The Act respecting Health Services and Social Services (LSSSS) provides a mechanism through which a user can state a view, be heard, understood, and respected.
What is a Complaints Commissioner?
The Complaints Commissioner acts under an oath guaranteeing confidentiality and impartiality. Appointed by the Board of Directors, they are accountable directly
to the Board.
They are independent from management and free of their practice and judgment. The Commissioners report to the Board of Directors periodically and to the Ministry once a year.
Resolving the Issue
Before addressing a complaint, it is possible for a user to try to solve the issue with the service staff or its manager.
Complaints may relate to all the services offered by UTHC including medical and social services, DYP, dentistry, pharmaceutical and midwifery issues.
A complaint can be made verbally, in person, by phone, in a written form, by letter, by email, or by UTHC form. As requested by law, a written complaint commands a written answer by the Commissioners.
What Is the Process?
The Commissioner verifies the facts of a complaint made by a user. Emotions will not be considered.
Good faith complaints are welcomed. They are helpful. They help improve quality service and practices.
This process is based on values that give perspective and permits growth to all the parties involved:
Commissioner’s Power of Recommendation
While in process or ending it, the Commissioner will, within 45 days:
Conciliation, mediation, and recommendations will ensure bettering of the quality service and guaranteeing the user’s rights.